πͺ KittyVault Purrks
Contract Β·
OpenSea Β·
What are Purrksβ
KittyVault Purrks are Tickets in PCC Universe and contain a shard from the KittyVault. They can be used to redeem for NFTs, or redeem for Physical Merchs, or redeem for tokens represent of fractions of the KittyVault.
KittyVault Purrks were not on the original Roadmap 1.0 but added to the project later. Currently all 8 Purrks in Series 1 airdrops are completed.
Purrks Series 1β
Purrks Series 1 contain 8 airdrops to PCC Cats Holders during Sep 2021 to Apr 2022. Each month a snapshot was taken, and Purrks were airdropped to Cats Holders' wallet addresses, 1 PCC Cat for 1 airdropped KittyVault Purrks NFT.
1. Hoodie Catβ
Hoodie Cat was airdropped on 2021-09-30.
It can be used to redeem Physical Hoodie.
It also represents fractional ownership of the KittyVault.
2. Kitten Basketβ
Kitten Basket was airdropped on 2021-11-01.
It can be used to claim Purrnelope's Kittens.
It does not represents fractional ownership of the KittyVault. Claimed Kitten represents fractional ownership of the KittyVault.
3. Model Catβ
Model Cat was airdropped on 2021-11-27.
It can be used to redeem physical 3D Model Cat.
It also represents fractional ownership of the KittyVault.
4. Comic Catβ
Comic Cat was airdropped on 2021-12-31.
It can be used to redeem physical Comic Book.
It also represents fractional ownership of the KittyVault.
5. Record Catβ
Record Cat was airdropped on 2022-02-01.
It can be used to redeem physical Music Record.
It also represents fractional ownership of the KittyVault.
6. Keyboard Catβ
Keyboard Cat was airdropped on 2022-03-02.
It can be used to redeem physical Purrnelope's branded Keyboard.
It also represents fractional ownership of the KittyVault.
7. Ledger Catβ
Ledger Cat was airdropped on 2022-03-29.
It can be used to redeem physical Purrnelope's branded Ledger Hardware Wallet.
It also represents fractional ownership of the KittyVault.
8. Grandma's Nightstandβ
Grandma's Nightstand was airdropped on 2022-04-30.
It can be used to claim Cat Grandma Companion.
It does not represents fractional ownership of the KittyVault. Claimed Grandma represents fractional ownership of the KittyVault.
The Ticket Contractβ
KittyVault Purrks are ERC-1155 NFTs (Etherscan). And the contract itself is named Ticket. It is certainly built for the PCC Universe, and there are some special and interesting features to the contract.
Managing Ticketsβ
This is used for add a new Purrks NFT. It also sets the metadata for that Purrks NFT and set the default redeem settings.
Currently 8 Purrks are created and grouped as Series 1. And it is possible for the team to do a Series 2 Purrks in the future.
See Code
function addNewTicket(string memory hash) public onlyOwner {
uint256 tokenId = _tokenCounter.current();
uriTokenHash[tokenId] = hash;
FractionRedeemAllowed[tokenId] = false;
AlternateRedeemAllowed[tokenId] = false;
ERC721RedeemAllowed[tokenId] = false;
FractionsPerTicket[tokenId] = 0;
TicketsPerAlternate[tokenId] = 0;
TicketsPerERC721[tokenId] = 0;
This is used for Purrks airdrops. A total of 71 transactions were made to airdrop Purrks #1 to #8 in Series 1, and 57.88 ETH was paid for gas to the airdrops by PCC Team. (Data: CSV File).
The max allowed number for tickets for each Purrk is hardcoded here in the contract, 10,000 editions for each Purrk.
See Code
function mintbulk(uint256 tokenId, address[] memory addresses, uint256[] memory quantities) public onlyOwner tokenExists(tokenId) {
require(addresses.length == quantities.length, "Address and quantities need to be equal length");
require(TotalRedeemed[tokenId].add(quantities.length) <= 10000, "Not enough tokens remaining");
bytes memory x;
for(uint256 i; i < quantities.length; i++){
_mint(addresses[i], tokenId, quantities[i], x);
TotalRedeemed[tokenId] = TotalRedeemed[tokenId].add(quantities[i]);
totalCount = totalCount.add(quantities[i]);
This is used for change the metadata of a Purrks NFT. It is used for reveal the Model Cat and Ledger Cat Purrks. And onced the design of the PCC branded keyboard is complete, this function can be used to update the image of the Keyboard Cat Purrks NFT.
And it can also be used to correct mistakes made to Purrks metadata. Before the airdrop of Grandma's Nightstand Purrks, it was used to correct a mistate probably made by Carlini8 in the metadata.
See Code
function setTokenHash(uint256 tokenId, string memory hash) public onlyOwner tokenExists(tokenId){
uriTokenHash[tokenId] = hash;
This is unique, which can pull tickets back from the owners wallet.
It was used for pull Kittens Basket Purrks back when the redeem period for Kittens ended. And may also be used for Grandma's Nightstand Purrks.
See Code
function recallTokens(uint256 tokenId, address[] memory addresses) public onlyOwner{
bytes memory x;
for(uint256 i; i < addresses.length; i++){
_safeTransferFrom(addresses[i], msg.sender, tokenId, balanceOf(addresses[i], tokenId), x);
Redeem Featuresβ
This may be used once the KittyVault is fractionalized. And owners can burn(redeem) their Purrks to receive the KittyBank Token.
See Code
function burnTokenForFractions(uint256 numberOfTickets, uint256 tokenId) public tokenExists(tokenId) nonReentrant {
require(FractionRedeemAllowed[tokenId], "Kitty Bank fraction redemption is not currently open for this token");
require(this.balanceOf(msg.sender, tokenId) >= numberOfTickets && numberOfTickets != 0, "You do not have any of these tokens to redeem");
uint256 fractions = numberOfTickets.mul(FractionsPerTicket[tokenId]);
require(FractionsContract.balanceOf(address(this)) >= fractions, "Not enough fractions available to redeem");
//burn the tickets
this.safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, BURN_ADDRESS, tokenId, numberOfTickets, "0x0");
totalCount = totalCount.sub(numberOfTickets);
//send tokens
FractionsContract.transfer(msg.sender, fractions);
emit RedeemFractions(msg.sender, tokenId, numberOfTickets);
This is used for redeem for PCC Companions.
It was used in using Kitten Basket to redeem Kittens Companions. And may also be used for Grandma's Nightstand Purrks.
See Code
function burnTokenForCompanion(uint256 numberOfTickets, uint256 tokenId) public tokenExists(tokenId) nonReentrant {
require(ERC721RedeemAllowed[tokenId], "NFT redemption is not currently open for this token");
require(this.balanceOf(msg.sender, tokenId) >= numberOfTickets && numberOfTickets != 0, "You do not have any of these tokens to redeem");
require(numberOfTickets.mod(TicketsPerERC721[tokenId]) == 0 && numberOfTickets != 0, "Not enough tickets to redeem");
CurrentNFTContract.mint(msg.sender, numberOfTickets.div(TicketsPerERC721[tokenId]));
//burn the tickets
this.safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, BURN_ADDRESS, tokenId, numberOfTickets, "0x0");
totalCount = totalCount.sub(numberOfTickets);
emit RedeemNFT(msg.sender, tokenId, numberOfTickets);
This is not used yet, but likely to be used in redeem for Physicals with Hoodie Cat, Model Cat, Comic Cat, Record Cat, Keyboard Cat and Ledger Cat Purrks. Because the event for this function is called RedeemPhysical
The burned Purrks are sent the burn(blackhole) address 0x0000Β·Β·Β·Β·dEaD
See Code
function burnTokenForAlternate(uint256 numberOfTickets, uint256 tokenId) public tokenExists(tokenId) nonReentrant {
require(AlternateRedeemAllowed[tokenId], "Alternate redemption is not currently open for this token");
require(this.balanceOf(msg.sender, tokenId) >= numberOfTickets && numberOfTickets != 0, "You do not have any of these tokens to redeem");
require(numberOfTickets == TicketsPerAlternate[tokenId] && numberOfTickets != 0, "Not enough tickets to redeem");
//burn the tickets
this.safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, BURN_ADDRESS, tokenId, numberOfTickets, "0x0");
totalCount = totalCount.sub(numberOfTickets);
emit RedeemPhysical(msg.sender, tokenId, numberOfTickets);